How To Engage Summit CPA
As Summit CPA continues to attract new clients, we are very focused on our ability to continue to deliver ‘The Summit CPA Experience’ to everyone. In order to maintain our high standard of service, we have been forced to become even more selective about what types of firms fit our model and which types do not.
First Few Steps Of ‘Anatomy of an Integrated Model’

Anatomy of Integrated Model
To deliver ‘The Summit CPA Experience‘ to the clients of our clients’, we use a proprietary process called, ‘The Anatomy of a Case’. This process was designed and has been optimized with the goal of delivering a world-class experience to the most important clients of the CPAs and Attorneys that are part of the Summit CPA family. This attention to detail ensures that your very best clients will be bragging about you (telling your story) at the country clubs and dinner parties, where ‘organic growth’ usually takes place.